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Smoothie tycoon is an inventory management crafting game with the objective of automating everything and becoming a lazy millionaire. How fast can you make your first 100k?

How to play:

1. Obtain ingredients from the shop

2. Use your mouse to craft drinks from the recipe tab

3. Sell your drinks

4. Once you've made all the drinks, more items in the shop will unlock

5. Automate your smoothie business

6. Profit passively

You win once you reach 100,000. You will be told how long it took you, which you should definitely comment!


You will need your mouse. 

Arrow keys / Scrollwheel  = Scroll the shop/recipe menus

M = Toggle global mute

SHIFT+M = Enable/disable music


Spoilers. Click here for cheats:

Created in 14 hours for the GMTK22 jam. All art created by me, during the jam. The music/sfx are from Envato elements. 


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12.07 minutes on 4th attempt, completely forgot how to play my own game.

20.34, what a great game :

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Played 6 times trying to optimize it. got 7:10 on the last one.
  I may end up returing for this later today.

Great game!

Wow that's amazing, what's your tactic? And do you have any suggestions?

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My only suggestion is to work on the scroll for the recipes panel. The mouse scroll scrolls both the panel and the web page on the web version. not a big deal, but it takes a few seconds from my precious record 😅

my tactic is basicly to spam selling best of both until i can get dirt, and then plant and sell the last recipe a lot.

step by step:
 - spam selling "Best of Both" until you get $1000 and a lot of ice

- buy 10x exoctic baskets and 10x Luxuries

- start making 1 of each recipe, until you unlock dirt

- buy 5 or 10 dirt (based on the money you have)

- make 1 tree for each ingredient for the last recipe

- start selling the last recipe until you get $5000

- buy 100 dirt

- make 20 of each tree of last recipes ingredient

- start selling the last recipe

- buy 50 clickers

- watch the money grow to 100k $$$

That's an amazing guide haha, I love it. I'll have to give it a try and see what I can score with it

Btw you can use the arrow keys to scroll the menus too. I wonder if this can make your speed run faster knowing this.

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worst result sadly: 7.82

But probabbly because I'm tired now. Using the arrow really helps.

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I achieved 100k in 5.87 minutes! Nice guide, I love it lol

Are you on steam btw?

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11.54 on second try! Very fun little game.

Thanks! Nice, did you have any suggestions?

I got 12.42 minutes after a reset

Nice work, did you have any suggestions? 

100k on 25.49 minutes, I didn't read the desc before so I plant all trees and I think there is no way to sell the trees??  But, nice art and good job, I love it

Nice work. No need to sell the trees, infinite food forever! Did you have any suggestions?

Got 100k in 13.56 minutes! Lovely game, super fun to play, those clickers are always so addicting HAHA. Congratulations!

Very nice, do you have any suggestions?

18.5 on first try. That's not too shabby.

Fun concept, and the art is adorable! My favourite moment was when I asked myself if I could grow an ice tree. Why did I even ask? :D

I think ice trees would be quite popular in hot countries with less availability of water, so if you could figure out a business model for that you'd probably make quite a lot of money.

Nice job with the score, do you have any suggestions?

100k in 10.37 minutes! It was a fun time

Nice work! That's pretty close to my score, is that your first run?

Did you have any suggestions?

After I realized the recipes aren't guess-and-check I refreshed. So, second run technically 😄

Fair enough, that's what most people are doing after realising there's score for speed!


14.47 minutes to 100k, though I might come back to beat it later now I know the ins and outs. As for any improvements, a couple things come to mind:
- Either a longer music track or more music variety, I ended up muting it because it got a bit repetitive
- More recipe variety would be good, I think, especially using the existing ingredients. And less reliance on ice, maybe?

Other than that, I agree with commenters about shift-clicking to quick send things to the bar. Maybe also shift-click to bulk buy?

The Ice must flow!

I'd love to hear your updated score if you do! 

Music was very last minute, I just found a track I enjoyed and slapped it on. I completely agree there should be more variety there. I can't imagine listening to that over and over for 15 minutes would have been enjoyable!

When you say using existing ingredients, do you mean like using other drinks to make new drinks, rather than only using raw ingredients?

Haha did ice become a burden for you?

Shift clicking definitely should have been there. I have a feeling it's going to be one of those -mentioned in every comment- obvious hindsight failiurekind of issues lol

it took me a bit to figure out that the dirt is used in the same place as the drinks are. the game also goes by much quicker once you start automation. the speedrun-like goal set for it actually is an interesting take on the idle game aesthetic shifting from a more relaxed number growing game into an optimization game. i think with a bit improved pacing, a mechanic to incentivize not simply sticking with a single recipe for half the game (some diminishing returns or something), and a way to get recipes into the bar without click-dragging (shift-click to put it in the first available slot, or clicking the recipe from the side bar to auto fill it) it could actually be a decent game. i might have to try to beat my embarrassing 23 minute time.

Thanks so much for playing!

I should have put the dirt + fruit in the recipe section but I ran out of time, you're right it's not obvious (why would you put dirt where the food goes?)

How would you improve the pacing?

It's a great idea to add diminishing returns on the drinks, I'll definitely add something like that (perhaps a limit on how many you can make)

Shift click is a brilliant point, was next on the todo list but I ran out of time as well. 

23 minutes is pretty good for learning how to play! My best is 9.6!

Is there anything else you'd add?

i can't say i have any suggestions on the pacing thing. the biggest concern i had is that in the begining it felt like i was scrambling constantly to manage the resources i had and trying to juggle between recipes to keep the money flowing. after automation it was more like clicking the same 2 things for a few minutes and the game was suddenly over. perhaps a system where you have to keep moderating the recipes and swapping them to optimize income might improve engagement and still allow for great automation. i know most idle games deal with that buy just increasing the cost of everything as you go.

I see what you mean completely, thanks for explaining. I can see how that isn't ideal! Changing the prices of things is a great idea, perhaps they start really valuable and the more you make, the less you get. Do you have any other suggestions?

i cant think of anything else

Ok cool well thanks for playing!

This was a lot of fun, thank you for making it.  I got to the bottom of the recipe list, and enjoyed the concept!

Nice work! Did you get into any of the automation?

You reached 100k in 15.61 minutes! This is an amazing game! LOVE THIS!

Thanks! Nice work. Do you have any suggestions?